: Clear Lake

Where in Oregon?

March 27, 2020

Think you know Oregon? Chances are you haven’t been everywhere — and you probably won’t recognize every location.

Test your skills and see if you can name these iconic Oregon places. Even the most traveled adventurer might have trouble identifying these spots.

Photo by Larry Geddis

Where in Oregon?

These 100-foot high formations were named for their likeness to the ruined temples in a European city
and were a landmark to pioneers traveling along the Oregon Trail. Do you know where this is?

Oregon is home to some 50 historic covered bridges.
Photo by Larry Geddis

Pillars of Rome

As the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Though the expression refers to another famous city, it also rings true for Oregon’s Rome, where an unique geological landmark took centuries to form. The 100-foot-high Pillars of Rome once served as a marker for pioneers on the Oregon Trail, seen from many miles away. Today the humble riverside community of Rome is a popular gateway to the Owyhee Canyonlands and outdoor adventure.

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