Where should we stay between Salt Lake City and Seattle?

With the distance between Salt Lake and Seattle being around 832 miles, Baker City (464 miles) and La Grande (506 miles) both offer a close halfway point for the overall trip. Staying in Ontario (392 miles) would mean a shorter first day of travel, however, but depending how you want to break up the trip would be a viable option. Baker and La Grande are relatively small towns, but each offer some fine choices for stay and sights. As a resident of La Grande I may be a little biased to encourage a visit here, but I also visit close friends in Baker City at least twice a month and can promise equal treatment.

In Ontario the Clarion Inn is one of the only full-service hotels in the area. There is a great taproom nearby at Berts Growler Garage, as well as a range of local taquerias and pubs. In Baker City a popular place to stay is the Historic Geiser Grand Hotel, with close walking distance to a favorite local brewery Barley Browns. I also would highly recommend a quick stop for breakfast before you head north at the Lone Pine Cafe. In La Grande there is the recently opened Landing Hotel with accompanying Wine Down lounge and cafe. I would also recommend stopping in at Side A Brewing for a local pint and bite from the menu (I am a big fan of the fried chicken sandwich with its addition of pickled fennel). In each town there are of course a range of other places to stay and eat, including a selection of coffee shops, restaurants, taverns, drive-thru’s and bakeries to enjoy. Let me know if you have any questions, and best of luck on your travels!